When to Cite and When not to Cite

According to Copy Write Kids this is when you need to cite and when you do not need to cite. (This section is completely copied from Copy Write Kids)

Which Works Are Protected by Copyright?

Copyright protects "original works of authorship" that are Fixed in "a tangible form of expression." The fixed form does not have to be directly perceptible so long as it can be communicated with the aid of a machine or other device. Copyrightable works fall into the following categories:

-                      literary works (which includes computer software);
-                      musical works, including any accompanying words;
-                      dramatic works, including any accompanying music ;
-                      pantomimes and choreographic works;
-                      pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works;
-                      motion pictures and other audiovisual works;
-                      sound recordings; and
-                      architectural works.

Which Works Are Not Protected by Copyright?

Not everything is protected by copyright law.  The following are categories of things not protected:

-                      Ideas, procedures, methods, systems, processes, concepts, principles, discoveries, or devices, (but written or recorded descriptions, explanations, or illustrations of such things are protected copyright);
-                      Titles, names, short phrases, and slogans; mere listings of ingredients or contents (but some titles and words might be protected under trademark law if their use is associated with a particular product or service);
-                      Works that are not fixed in a tangible form of expression, such as an improvised speech or performance that is not written down or otherwise recorded;
-                      Works consisting entirely of information that is commonly available and contains no originality (for example, standard calendars, standard measures and rulers, lists or tables compiled from public documents or other common sources); and
-                      Works by the US government.

  1. Annotated Bibiliography

"Copyright Basics & Faqs." Copyright Kids. Download Recordings, Inc,  

      2007. Web. <http://www.copyrightkids.org/cbasicsframes.htm>.